!!! Whoopi Goldberg’s Peers Vote Her “The Most Hated Person in Hollywood”

Whoopi Goldberg’s own friends and colleagues can’t stand her, according to a new report.

Whoopi Goldberg was once one of Hollywood’s most beloved personalities. In her heyday, she did films like “The Color Purple,” and “Ghost.” She had a recurring role on Star Trek and she did standup for Jerry Lewis every year.

Then it happened. She took a job on “The View,” and everything went downhill. So far that she was recently voted “The most disliked person in Hollywood” by her own peers.
“They have a hard time finding guests to come on the show,” said former Producer Joe Barron, “they have to beg people who are in town filming because nobody who lives here will give them the time of day.”

The poll was first published in a private journal sent to the Screen Actors’ Guild members but then went public on the internet, where it now lives in infamy. Altogether, 82 percent of respondents voted for Goldberg, listing her “nasty disposition” as the cause.

The poll was sent to SAG’s Conservative Committee for a vote. The motion, brought by Scott Baio, was seconded by James Woods. The other six actors in attendance voted unanimously, with Kevin Sorbo voting by proxy and Roseanne Barr screaming her vote from whatever hole she’s hanging out in this week.

The one holdout was Clint Eastwood, who said he couldn’t get the “dadgum Zoom thing” to work on the iPad his great-great-grandson uses for preschool.

It’s a tough day when you can’t even keep a solid reputation in your own peer circle. Maybe Whoopi should retire and move on. God Bless America.
Reprinted with permission from The Dunning Kruger Times

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