“Welcome To The Real World”: Gen Z Woman Loses It After Quitting Job And Not Getting Thanked

Recently, a young woman shared her unpleasant experience after leaving a job she had been at for six years. The young Gen Z member was appalled when she wasn’t thanked and didn’t receive a formal farewell message after dedicating such a significant amount of time to the company.

Keeley Pejovic shared her experience on the social media app TikTok after quitting her long-time job at Gold Coast Woolworths, where she had worked for most of her teenage years. Pejeovic complained that none of her managers or co-workers seemed to care that she was leaving.

“Six years, I quit and I did not get one single thank you or goodbye. Like no one gave a f–k,”she said.“I was literally just existing at my job. To be there for six years and nobody could care less. The managers didn’t say anything, no thank you, no goodbye, nothing,”she continued.

Pejovic’s post quickly went viral, drawing mixed reactions from social media users, some of whom sympathized with her. In contrast, others suggested she get used to the harsh reality of the modern labor market.“Welcome to the real world,”one person commented.“I can never understand why people expect anything when leaving a job,”another individual said.

Other users seemed desensitized to such a workplace environment, telling Pejovic to tough it out for the next several decades essentially.“Get used to it, this’ll harden you up & in 30 years time – trust me you’ll be in a much better place, financially & emotionally,”one commenter said.

However, some commenters shared sentiments similar to Pejovic’s, where they felt very much under-appreciated when exiting their jobs.“Me the person who organized all of the farewell gifts just silently walked out on my last shift,”one user said.“7 years in my last job not even a card. Last thing my boss said – you’ll be back,”anotheradded.

As of recently, there has been a notable trend of Gen Z employees sharing their uncomfortable transition into the modern workplace.The American Tribune reportedon the shared experience of a young college graduate who was “shocked” by the “depressing” nature of holding a 9-to-5 work schedule.

Piper Hansen complained about the boring, monotonous reality of working 8 hours a day and fulfilling adult responsibilities simultaneously.“How can I ensure I’m eating well, seeing my friends and taking time for my hobbies?”she asked.“How am I supposed to fit my whole life into a 9-to-5 work schedule?”

“Then I have to make sure the coffee pot is ready for the next morning, and I have something to take for lunch the next day,”she said.“I’m home for just a few hours before I get ready to go to bed by 11 p.m.”

“I wish there were more options for schedules that are conducive to actually having a life outside of work,” she added.“I don’t want my next 45 years to be the same as these last few months of going to work, coming home to eat dinner, rest, and then going back to work. I want to live my life, too.”

SOURCE https://theamericantribune.com/

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