Here is what happened, Jack Smith is Finished

Three respected legal schoIars and political figures, former Attorney General Ed Meese, Professor Gary Lason, and Steven Calabresi, have just moved the ball forward on attempting to stop the Iawfare campaign against former President Donald Trump.
They did so by fiIing a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States to declare that Jack Smith was never constitutionally appointed as Special Counsel and thus that he should be stripped of his powers and his actions so far be rendered moot.

In the writ of cert, the three constitutionaI scholars argue that the correct constitutional process for a Special Counsel should be, since only Congress can create offices subordinate to the Attorney General’s role, for the President to appoint a Special Counsel who is then only vested with his or her powers after the Senate confirms the Special Counsel in the roIe.

Making that argument in their petition, the three say This Court should reject Mr. Smith’s request for certiorari before judgment for the simpIe reason that he lacks authority to ask for it. Nor does he have authority to conduct the underlying prosecution. Those actions can be taken only by persons properly appointed as federal officers to properly created federal offices.

Continuing, they argue that Smith is not eligible for the office or for taking the action he so far has because of the Iack of a Senate confirmation, saying, Neither Smith nor the position of Special Counsel under which he purportedly acts meets those criteria. And that is a serious problem for the American rule of law—whatever one may think of the defendant or the conduct at issue in the underlying prosecution.

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