Bomb discovery! He accidentally found a car at the bottom of the river and called the police

Twelve years ago, two young individuals, Ilya Zhirnov and Kira Cherkasova, aged 25 and 22 respectively, disappeared without a trace in the city of Cheboksary, in central Russia. No one had any clue about what happened to them until the amateur diver found their car at the river’s bottom.

According to the police, the car had been underwater for over a decade.

Thanks to the identity documents that remained intact underwater, the police were able to identify the two missing individuals. Inside the car, the diver discovered two bodies and the personal belongings of the two young individuals.

Despite being a tragic discovery, this could shed new light on the case.

The initial hypothesis of the police is that the two lost control of the car on the icy road and ended up in the river without any witnesses to the accident or alerting authorities.

However, many people wonder: how long will it take for the police to truly determine what happened to the two individuals? Will there be further investigations opened in this case?

Is there a possibility that this discovery will lead to finding additional clues or evidence to clarify what happened twelve years ago?

For now, it remains to be seen what subsequent investigations will reveal.

However, the amateur diver’s discovery serves as evidence that we should never give up on seeking answers to the questions we have. It can be a significant breakthrough for those seeking answers in cases of missing persons or unsolved crimes.

Ultimately, this discovery should make us think about those who are still missing and remind us that, in some cases, the answers may be right under our noses.

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