Wife receives a divorce letter from husband, her reply is brilliant

We didn’t see that coming!

Falling in love often feels like it will last forever, but the truth is that relationships can end unexpectedly.

When a man wanted to divorce his wife, he thought it would be easier to write her a letter. But he didn’t expect her clever response to teach him a lesson. It’s both brilliant and funny!

Dear Wife,
I am informing you through this letter that I am ending our relationship permanently. Despite being a good husband to you for 7 years, I have nothing to show for it.

These past two weeks have been really challenging for me. I received a message from your boss today, informing me that you have resigned from your job, and it was really overwhelming for me to handle.

You didn’t realize that I had a new haircut, prepared your favorite meal, and wore new silk boxers when you came home last week.

You finished eating quickly, then immediately went to bed after watching all your favorite shows. You never express your love for me, and you seem uninterested in any intimacy that would bring us closer as a married couple.

Either you are being unfaithful or you no longer have feelings for me; regardless of the reason, our relationship is ending and I am moving on.

Your EX-Husband
P.S. Don’t attempt to locate me. Your SISTER and I are relocating to West Virginia as a couple! Wishing you a wonderful life!

Dear Ex-Husband,
Receiving your letter has truly made my day. It’s undeniable that we have been married for 7 years, but it’s clear that you are far from being a good man.

I watch TV a lot to block out your complaining, but it doesn’t seem to help.

I saw your new haircut last week, and the first thought that crossed my mind was ‘You look so feminine!’ However, my mother taught me to only say kind things, so I chose not to say anything.

You must have mistaken me for someone else when you made my favorite dish, as I haven’t eaten pork in 7 years.

I quickly looked away from you when I noticed the price tag of $49.99 still attached to the new silk boxers. I hoped it was just a coincidence that my sister had borrowed $50 from me earlier that morning.

Despite everything, I still cared for you and believed we could succeed. That’s why, after winning 10 million dollars in the lottery, I resigned from my job and purchased two tickets to Jamaica for us. However, upon returning home, you had disappeared.

I suppose everything occurs with a purpose. I wish you achieve the satisfying life you’ve always desired. My attorney mentioned that the letter you penned guarantees you won’t receive any money from me. So, take care.

Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!
P.S. Just so you know, my sister Carla used to be named Carl. I hope that’s okay!

Please share this story with your friends and family if you think it was funny.

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