“My Daughter-in-Law Insulted Me, But I Showed Her My True Self and She Regretted It”

A 60-year-old woman wrote a letter to our magazine, sharing a very dramatic story about her family. She explained how her daughter-in-law constantly made fun of her, embarrassed her, and teased her. But instead of getting mad, the woman got back at her daughter-in-law in a clever and special way, teaching her an important lesson.

The woman’s family used to be happy until her son’s girlfriend joined it.

A woman named Andrea, who is 60 years old, wrote a very emotional letter to us. She shared her story, which could easily be a movie plot. Andrea is a widow, her husband Alex passed away three years ago. Her son, Robert, is 30 years old and very successful. He has a luxurious car, a nice new house, and a stable income.

Andrea worried that Robert wouldn’t have time to start a family because he was always busy with work. But Robert did have a girlfriend named Jessica, who is 28 years old. They had been dating for a year before Robert introduced Jessica to Andrea and told her they were engaged.

Andrea was disappointed because she hadn’t met Jessica before Robert proposed. But she didn’t say anything, trusting that Robert knew what he was doing. When they finally met, Jessica bragged about her education, intelligence, and “noble” background. Andrea stayed quiet most of the time, feeling uneasy about Jessica. She knew her son had made a wrong choice.

Jessica appeared to be Andrea’s worst nightmare.

Andrea said, “This young woman clearly didn’t love my son. She loved his money and the luxurious things he had. Once, I asked her if she wanted kids with Robert, and she made a face and said, ‘You must be joking, Andrea! I want to enjoy life, and kids will make it impossible!’”

Andrea was unsure but never talked to Robert about how inappropriate his future wife’s behavior was. Besides, Jessica was very nice when Robert was around, always polite to Andrea.

Andrea thought Robert needed to realize for himself how wrong Jessica was for him. She didn’t want to push him; she wanted him to figure it out on his own, even if it meant he’d lose a lot.

Robert’s wedding was approaching, but Andrea wasn’t happy at all.
Andrea said, “Their wedding was only a week away, and Jessica and I had a tough talk. She came with Robert to get her dress, which was the third one for the wedding. I asked her if it was necessary to change dresses three times, especially when they weren’t contributing financially. It was all on Robert.”

Jessica got angry. When Robert left the room, she started insulting Andrea, calling her names and saying mean things. She said Andrea was uneducated and shallow and didn’t understand the importance of having three wedding dresses. She even accused Andrea of being jealous. Jessica said she didn’t want Andrea at the wedding and would convince Robert to cut ties with her because she was ashamed of Andrea and thought Robert should be too, as he’s successful.

Andrea took her revenge on the wedding day.

Andrea went to her son’s wedding despite Jessica’s mean words. She didn’t go to celebrate but to teach Jessica a lesson. She planned to give a speech that would make Jessica feel bad for her actions.

When it was Andrea’s turn to speak, she surprised everyone. She said, “Today, my son is getting married. As a mom, I should let him go, but as his boss, I’m firing him. I don’t approve of his choice because his wife has humiliated me many times.”

Everyone was shocked. Jessica started asking Robert questions, and he explained that his mom was actually his boss. Andrea inherited the company from her late husband, making her Robert’s boss.

Jessica got what she deserved, together with a big life lesson.
Andrea told Robert about how Jessica had humiliated her. He was shocked and asked Jessica if it was true, but she denied everything. Then she insulted Andrea, saying she couldn’t believe an uneducated person like her could be in charge of a big company.

Robert didn’t like Jessica’s comment and decided to cancel the wedding. Jessica got angry and started insulting Robert too. They asked her to leave, and Robert even offered to call her a taxi.

Now, Robert and Andrea are back to their normal lives, working for Alex’s company. Robert is dating someone new, and he plans to introduce her to Andrea.

In her letter, Andrea said, “I hope I won’t have to teach anyone any more lessons. I just want my son to be happy.”

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