A Father-in-Law’s Comment Made a Woman Leave Dinner – Here’s What He Said

A woman had a surprising experience at a family dinner when her father-in-law made a hurtful comment. She shared her story on Reddit, asking if she did the right thing by leaving the table. Here’s how it happened: “My husband and I were invited to dinner at my in-laws’ house yesterday. Everything was fine until my mother-in-law joked about my husband’s past in high school, saying, ‘Honestly, back then, I never thought he’d settle down with somebody.’ Then, my father-in-law added, ‘Yeah, especially not with someone like you.’ I asked him what he meant.” He said, “Well, you weren’t exactly his type in high school, you know?” My husband tried to stop him, but my father-in-law added, “Not saying you weren’t pretty enough or anything like that, you just wouldn’t have caught his eye.”

I got up and went to the bathroom. I wasn’t even in there for 5 minutes when my husband knocked and said we were leaving. When we got home, my husband got a text from his mom saying my reaction was childish and disrespectful. She said we wouldn’t be invited again until I apologized. My husband said I’d only apologize if my father-in-law apologized first. He didn’t get an answer, but his sister told me I needed to apologize right away. She said I was risking my husband’s relationship with his parents over a misunderstanding.

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