My husband turned our wedding night into a catastrophe

When I was saying “I do” at the altar, this was definitely not what I expected.

On our wedding night, my husband Scott was excited for intimacy, but I was tired and wanted to postpone being physical. Scott understood and gave me a goodnight kiss. I didn’t realize our night was just beginning.

In the quiet of midnight, I woke up suddenly, sensing the bed shaking beneath me. Surprised, I looked over and saw Scott sitting on the bed, holding a baby. I was completely shocked when he told me that the baby was Ella, his niece who had lost her parents, and that he had suddenly become responsible for her.

He took a deep breath and introduced, “Everly, meet Ella.” My head spun as he went on, “She’s my niece, who lost her parents. My stepsister, Maya, is no longer with us. I only discovered her existence a few weeks ago.”

That was the start of a night of revelations that would reshape our lives.
Scott admitted he was afraid Everly would go away if she found out about the other woman, avoiding eye contact.

I was shocked when I asked Scott, “Why did you do this? How can we begin our life together with secrets and lies?” But then I calmed down and inquired, “Scott, what’s the plan? Are we… going to adopt Ella?”

He replied to Everly, “I haven’t considered that yet. At the moment, my priority is to look after her.” He avoided any further conversation on the topic.

The next day, sunlight streamed into Scott’s large house, the heaviness of the secrets from the night before lingering. Questions swirled in my head like pesky bugs, needing answers. Who was Ella’s mother? Why did Scott hide her from me? And how would this affect our recent marriage?

The baby’s mother, Maya, was his estranged step-sister that no one in the family had any contact with. So why did he help her?
s we adjusted to our new responsibilities, looking after Ella in the luxurious setting of Scott’s house, the illusion of a happy marriage started to crumble. Uncertainties crept into my mind, fueled by Scott’s mysterious past and the enigma surrounding Ella’s background.

As time passed, the divide between us grew wider. I found it hard to accept the person I thought I knew, knowing he kept secrets. Scott tried to make amends, but I couldn’t move past the feelings of betrayal and doubt.

I suggested the idea of possibly putting Ella up for adoption.

Scott disagreed with the idea of adoption for Ella, stating that she is his responsibility.

Perhaps we can search for a caring foster family for her. There might be someone out there who could be a more nurturing mother than I am.

He inquired if this was a method of testing him. Did he marry her solely to find a mother for Ella?


“You’re being ridiculous!”
The next day, I went to the beach with Ella to find comfort. I hoped that the soothing sound of waves hitting the shore would help ease my inner turmoil. While I was lost in my thoughts, looking out at the vast ocean, a mysterious woman I had never seen before appeared from the mist.

She appeared distant and unfriendly, her mouth twisted in disgust as she looked back and forth from me to the baby in my arms. I prepared for her inspection, feeling her intense stare digging into me as she asked a chilling question.

She inquired about Scott’s daughter with a tone full of disdain, as if his name was distasteful to her. Her words lingered in the air, heavy with unsaid messages and concealed intentions.

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond to this enigmatic stranger who seemed to know more about my husband than I did. Could she hold the key to unlocking the secrets that had plagued our marriage since that fateful night?
Feeling uneasy, I was resolute in my determination to reveal the truth, regardless of the consequences.

After arriving home, I confronted my spouse and he eventually confessed that Ella was his child. I gathered all my things and departed from the grand house.
However, in the midst of all the chaos, a small ray of hope appeared. Scott’s unwavering love for Ella softened my feelings of anger, reminding me of the delicate connection that bound us. Despite the dishonesty and betrayal, I couldn’t ignore the genuine love he had for his daughter, so I chose to forgive him and come back home.

But just as we began to find a semblance of peace, a cryptic message arrived, casting a shadow of doubt over our fragile truce.
“Maya’s not the only secret Scott’s buried,” the message read.

Finding out that Ella may not be the only secret Scott had hidden caused even more chaos in our already turbulent lives.

After mustering up bravery, I dialed the number on the letter. The voice on the other end instructed, “Let’s meet at Brown Beans Café. Don’t inform Scott.”

The lady I encountered at the café introduced herself as Scott’s former spouse. She also introduced our baby, Renee.

“Sco-Scott’s ex-wife??” I uttered, heartbroken.

She was adamant that Everly must realize the peril she was facing. Scott was not the person he appeared to be. He was only taking advantage of her.
I was shocked. “But why? How did you find out about all this?” I asked with a trembling voice.
Maya managed to solve the mystery. She attempted to reveal his secret, and that’s when she got hurt,” she murmured. “You must be cautious. Don’t let him find out what you’ve uncovered. Just go along with it until we come up with a way to escape.”

In the days to come, I learned I was pregnant, but I only told Scott about that after I terminated the pregnancy. This decision was a result of Amanda’s words that echoed in my mind, “He wants you to have a male child for his cult.”

Scott was furious when he found out about my actions. As he was about to attack me with a vase, the police suddenly arrived at the door. Amanda came along with them, and her presence brought a comforting feeling.
I smiled and looked beyond my home, the police car…into the camera.
The director shouted, “Cut! That was an amazing take!” I burst into laughter while Scott, my real-life husband and co-star, commended my outstanding performance.

He exclaimed with pride, “Everly, you did an amazing job! I’m extremely proud of you!” His eyes gleamed with pride.

This short film project originated during our wedding night, when he mistakenly held his niece, resulting in a delightful miscommunication. It was at that moment when his imagination ignited, giving birth to this screenplay.

Our adventure, a thrilling ride of feelings filled with funny, intense, and affectionate moments, reminded us that even in the midst of chaos, there is beauty to discover. From the ups and downs, we realized that every unexpected event in life carries a tale to be shared, a wisdom to be gained, and a joy to be spread.

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