I Left My Cheating Husband Without a Second Thought, but Now I Doubt My Decision

It’s not strange that people can sense when something’s wrong with their loved ones. Even if a woman loves romantic gestures from her partner, if they come out of nowhere so suddenly, it can lead to suspicion. This is what happened to a user on Reddit, who eventually figured out the reason for her husband’s strange behavior, left him, but later faced a dilemma.

This is her story.

My (25f) husband (30m) has been acting really strange recently, staying out late without any explanation, leaving really early, and giving random expensive gifts with no apparent reason. I’m not naive, and I put two and two together and realized he was cheating.

I didn’t want to start looking through his phone and his belongings or stalking his social media or any of that, so I sat on the couch and waited for him to come home. Once he got home, I asked him to sit down and asked him if he was cheating. He was honest and told me he was, apologized, and said it meant nothing, and it wouldn’t happen again.

Honestly, I cannot trust him, and without trust, a relationship can’t survive, so I went upstairs, packed my things, and he chased after me asking me to stop and give him a chance. I just finished packing and left.

things, and he chased after me asking me to stop and give him a chance. I just finished packing and left.

This was three days ago, and since I left, I have been bombarded with texts, emails, and voicemails asking how I could leave without even trying to fix things and that if I ever loved him, I would want to stay and go through this, and that every couple goes through hard times.

I am really conflicted, as on one hand he was my first love and I haven’t just lost those feelings overnight, but on the other hand, he broke my trust and truthfully, he won’t ever earn that back.

People in the comments assure her that she has made the right decision.

  • Ask him this. How could he cheat without “even trying to fix things”? If he “ever loved” you, he wouldn’t have cheated. “Every couple goes through hard times”…yet somehow you managed to stay faithful. ChaosAside / Reddit
  • You don’t owe him anything anymore; he broke your trust, the “sacred” vow. If you feel it’s over, and you can’t trust him, then that’s how it is. Focus on yourself.loreyat_FTW / Reddit
  • Simply ask him, “Why should I fight for a cheater?” He disqualified himself the second he decided to sleep with another woman. There’s nothing to fight for. He made sure of that. Block him and have your peace, girl.Lizzy_the_Cat / Reddit
  • He had enough time to come clean with you. Instead, he cheated as long as you confronted him. Couples go through bad times, but he did not address any problems and decided to cheat. He is gaslighting you, and he tries to minimize his cheating.
    Tell him if he loved you, he would not cheat. Period. Leave, divorce and get happy again.Consistent-Studio129 / Reddit
  • You are already out. Stay out. You did the right thing. devestatedhusband / Reddit
  • Why should you try to fix this? He broke his vows. He decided to cheat on you. He chose to do what he did, and he destroyed the marriage. NmlsFool / Reddit

Behind the illusion of a perfect relationship, a devastating betrayal lurked, breaking her heart and shattering her world. This is the tale of a woman who bravely faced heartbreak, deceit, and the difficulties of an unplanned pregnancy.

Preview photo credit TrickNothing4949 / Reddit

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