“A Bride Won’t Change Wedding Time for Sister’s Nap Schedule and Stands Firm”

“When two people stick to their boundaries, conflict can happen. Today’s story is about a woman who stood her ground against her stubborn sister. And she had a good reason — her own wedding. The couple planned their wedding for the fall. I’m getting married to my fiancé in October this year. We got engaged in January and we’re thrilled. It’s a small wedding, just close family and friends.The issue is with my sister Lisa. Lisa has a 2-year-old son with her husband.


I don’t have a super close relationship with Lisa for various reasons I can’t get into here. We sent out the wedding invites last month. Our wedding starts at 1:30 p.m., and we asked guests to arrive by 1:00. The venue is close to our hometown, so it’s convenient for most guests, including Lisa.”Lisa said the wedding time wouldn’t work because of her 2-year-old’s nap schedule. She mentioned he usually naps at noon, and if he misses it, he gets cranky. I suggested finding a babysitter,


but she said she couldn’t because everyone she trusts would be at the wedding. I then proposed they come to the reception, but she refused. She insisted we change the time, but I said we couldn’t. Lisa then said she wouldn’t come. I felt hurt. A few days later, she asked if I considered changing the time again. I said it wasn’t possible. She got upset, blaming me for her absence, and called me a bridezilla.

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  1. Once a wedding date is set- the church, the reception, the photographer, etc., it’s next to impossible to alter the date or time, because other couples may have already booked their appointment times, which make it imp[ossible to move your time backwards or forwards. And these plans are made almost a year in advance, maybe more, depending on what month you picked.

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