20+ Stories That Prove Life With Children Is Full of Funny Surprises

A lot of parents are aware that planning anything with children is useless. There is a very good chance that nothing will be the same. Since children often see the world extraordinary, most of them don’t even try to conform to other people’s ideas about how to behave. They do such things that moms, dads and other adults can only exhale and say to themselves, “Be calm, just be calm!”

And in the bonus section, you’ll find out about how hard it is sometimes to guess what it means to be a cool parent.

“Would you pay 3 chocolate coins and 1 cookie for these nails? Courtesy of my 2.5-year-old daughter.”

© Natski212 / Reddit

Sounds like she’s under charging! Better tip extra! © Lookitsacoconut / Reddit

“I made my kid a sandbox outside the house. But something went wrong…”

© EgorKirov / Pikabu

“My son came running up to me claiming he found a snake with legs while mowing… So I was intrigued and instantly ran to the backyard with him! And there it was…”

© Taskmaster_Fanatic / Reddit

“The legs were that of a half-eaten frog. He then rescued the little frog and carried the snake back into a field. Fun day.”

“Today I realized why mums appreciate wooden eco toys so much. Turns out they don’t drown in the toilet.”

© Ksena93 / Pikabu

“I know they look tasty, but they have ‘soap’ stamped into them.”

© wwwwweeeeelllll / Reddit

I don’t think the little biter can read yet… © Rippling_Debt / Reddit

“I can’t see anything!”

© CyclingBicyclopse / Reddit

“In our child’s class chat: ’Dear parents! The school has a lot of lost items. They are all stored in front of the cloakroom. If you need anything, please contact me.’”

© VadimEkb / Pikabu

“My daughter said she could put her own ketchup on her plate.”

© LurleneLumpkin_ / Reddit

“My 8-year-old daughter trolling me”

© phasesINphases / Reddit

“I found where my 3-year-old twins have been hiding my loose change.”

© newsoundera / Reddit

“My son scares himself when he puts on this mask.”

© iTzbr00tal / Reddit

“My kids welcomed me home from work today with some breaking news.”

© Taylorenokson / Reddit

Children and cleanliness in the car are incompatible concepts.

© arl0ch / Reddit

“My niece after school”

© xiver / Pikabu

“Left my teenage son with the pizza.”

© MrPWhitham / Reddit

“Son was being too quiet last night, so I went to check on him and found this masterpiece made out of baby powder on the floor.”

© spyro-the_dragon / Reddit

“I just took a photo of my daughter crawling under the sofa. Is it time to call an exorcist?”

© Hooligun34 / Pikabu

“My 3-year-old son decided to microwave our 3DS.”

© h3llt0y0 / Reddit

“We were planning on selling our set of 2 barstools that are no longer in use… Thanks 4-year-old niece who was ‘bored’.”

“My kids did my makeup. My son (10) was art inspired. My daughter (12) was going for classic, and I was actually really impressed by what she did.”

“I had the shower door wedged open with a broom. Daughter tried to close the shower door. Oops.”

© gkpetrescue / Reddit

“Life before and after kids. As demonstrated by my toddler’s well-loved Ducky and new backup Ducky”

© fortyfourcabbages / Reddit

Bonus: Being a great parent is a task with many unknowns.

Our daughter is 13. We raise her like a princess: we don’t make her do the dishes, wash and clean, we give her a lot of freedom. Pink hair, nose piercing, the most fashionable clothes — no problem. And then she came back home from her new friend’s place all excited and said, “Anya’s parents are so cool! They even let her cook soup!”
It turns out that our princess was entrusted to peel potatoes, and she choked with delight, feeling all grown up. Really? We tried so hard to protect her from all these chores, which she will have enough in adulthood, and she wants to peel potatoes! Well, it’s time to teach her how to cook.

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