15 People Who Know What Real Danger Feels Like

Threats from within our own houses or natural disasters can put us in danger at any time. This article’s stories tell of actual people who bravely faced situations that may have harmed them. Even though these experiences were extremely terrifying, they imparted important lessons about the value of cherishing life.

Story 1:
I had a two in the morning grocery shop run. The second man, who was standing next to the cashier, was maintaining eye contact. I quickly paid and walked out.
I heard footsteps on my walk home, and when I turned around, I saw it was that man. “Why so fast, miss?” he exclaimed. Even with my haste, he remained behind me. Abruptly, I heard someone scream. As I turned around, I was startled to see that the cashier was holding the man’s hand and making him stop. Fearing for his life, the man fled.
After making sure I was okay, the cashier revealed to me the terrifying news that this same guy had followed and robbed another women in the middle of the night. He knew he had to intervene as soon as he saw him in the store. After learning that valuable lesson, I never again ventured out alone at night, not even for a fast trip to the convenience store.

Story 2:
I spotted an alligator close when I was unwinding in a lake. About fifteen meters away, it lifted its head over the water without pursuing me. My heart began to race. Never in my life have I had a greater fear, but I was able to leave the water swiftly and covertly. © Reddit / Purrrple Pepper

Story 3:
Every night when Mom was a little girl, she could see what appeared to be a head silhouette peering through her bedroom window. The more days went by, the more terrified she became.
She plucked up the confidence to find out what it was one evening. She sprung up and ran across the room to turn on the light as fast as she could. The shadow abruptly moved and fled as soon as she saw the light, and it was never seen again.

Story 4:
As I was shooting a long exposure photo of Olympic National Park’s night sky, I heard movement to my right. When I turned my light toward the commotion once the photo was finished (priorities), I noticed two lit eyes staring back at me. I never stayed long enough to see what they were connected to. © Reddit/thehangryhippo

Story 5:

Image for illustrative purpose only.
On Craigslist, a free mini fridge was being given away. It was deep in dense forests and deserted when I arrived by car. A hand closed the drapes as I pulled up, adding to my already uneasy feeling. An arrow pointed to a sign that read, “Go around back.” I decided not to bother; I didn’t really need a secondhand tiny fridge. © Reddit/memeromemes

Story 6:
While hiking, I heard something LOUD from behind me and first thought it was a bear. When I turned back, I witnessed a huge tree toppling over onto the path. It truly frightened me since it was so strange. © Reddit/pajamamontana

Story 7:
One night in the cabin, I had my window open (with a wood box outside containing firewood), and at around three in the morning, a mountain lion was sitting there, staring at me through the screen from about two feet away, and screaming. You’ll wake up from that, I promise. It is known to those who have heard it. © Unidentified writer/Reddit

Story 8:
While camping on the Appalachian Trail, my friend and I heard a real pack of dogs howling and barking. They were drawing nearer. My friend and I, who were maybe eighteen at the time, were freaking out as they got closer.
It out that a farmer close by had misplaced one of his farm dogs and had let the others go out to assist in finding it. It made us frightened. © Unidentified writer/Reddit

Story 9:
It didn’t feel good to me when I observed this pair in a van just kind of lingering about at night when I was driving through the bank’s ATM lane alone. He jumped out of the van and proceeded to approach me as soon as I came up to the ATM. They were slowly pulling up behind me. I took out my ATM card and left without saying anything. © Reddit / StarfishSt***er

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