Did you know that if these arrive at your house it is a SIGN that…

American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) is one of the most common and largest cockroach species in the world. Here you have key information about them and their impact:

Size: They can measure between 3 and 5 cm in length, making them one of the largest cockroaches.
Color: They are reddish brown, with a pale yellow pattern on the top of the head.
Lifespan: They live up to a year or more, depending on conditions.

Favorite places: They prefer warm, humid places, such as kitchens, basements, sewers and areas with food remains.
Adaptability: They are very resistant and can survive with little food and water.
Damage they cause
Health risks:

They carry bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause illness.
Their excrements and secretions cause allergies and aggravate asthma, especially in children and sensitive people.
Food contamination:

They can contaminate food when coming into contact with them.
They also damage packaging and stored supplies.
Deterioration of materials:

They chew paper, fabrics and organic materials, causing damage in the home or office.
Possible benefits
Although they are not wanted in homes, in the wild:


They contribute to decomposing organic matter, helping the natural cycle of nutrients.
They are scientifically studied for their capacity for adaptation and resistance.
How to control them
Hygiene: Keep your house clean, without food remains or exposed water.
Sealing spaces: Close cracks and holes where they can enter.
Professional control: If the infestation is severe, contact a pest control expert.
Cockroaches are not only a nuisance, they can also be a serious health risk. Therefore, it is essential to keep them out of the house.

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