Co-hosts of Fox News’s “The Five” on Tuesday discussed how President Joe Biden is leaving office in a very diminished mental capacity and, in the process, is handing President-elect Donald Trump a tumultuous country and world.
Co-hosts Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters also made light of Biden’s appearance at the late Jimmy Carter’s funeral last week to point out how bad off things are on his way out of the White House.
“Biden is in such bad shape, Jesse, that at Jimmy Carter’s funeral, people were offering condolences to Dr. Jill,” Gutfeld quipped at one point, referring to First Lady Jill Biden.
“Greg, he had four years, he never even conquered Canada. What a waste of time. And Canada was just begging to be conquered,” Watters responded, also jokingly. “Trump left Biden a world that was much more peaceful and safer than Biden is leaving him.
“If you think about what was left for Joe, peace, secure border, now we’re — Trump’s coming in, he’s looking at two hot proxy wars, cartels are dominating the border. We just had the second deadliest terror attack domestically here since 9/11. And the former FBI director, on his way out, said, yeah, there’s Chinese sleeper cells all over the country, by the way,” Watters continued.
“I mean, this is not a good look. And he talks about all these alliances. Our allies’ leaders were laughing at Joe behind his back. They were scheduling meetings so he wouldn’t fall asleep. They were scheduling dinners earlier and he’d still skip them because he was so tired. So, you know, what’s the Biden doctrine? I have no idea. The Biden mantra was ‘don’t,’ everybody violated it. He’s probably not going to get a presidential library. And that’s good because there’s really not a lot to say,” Watters added.
Gutfeld then quipped again: “Yeah. They’d all have to be picture books, popups.”
However, Biden seems determined to make Trump’s job as challenging as possible before his departure in a few days, which includes increasing the country’s gasoline costs.
Biden waited until now to enact new sanctions against Russia, which are likely to raise gasoline prices as Trump prepares to retake the White House, and he refused to answer questions about his reasoning.
Biden was questioned by a reporter earlier this week about why he waited until the last minute in office to impose the sanctions.
“Mr. President, you talked about gas prices coming down. You made today’s decision about sanctions against Russia. Are you concerned that that decision will perhaps lead to gas prices going up? And can you explain why those sanctions were imposed today and not earlier in the term?” the reporter asked.
“The sanctions are imposed today because they will have a profound effect on the growth of the Russian economy and make it more difficult for Putin to conduct his wars,” the president said.
“It is probable that gas prices could increase as much as three, four cents a gallon. But what’s going to have a more profound impact on Russia’s ability to continue to act in the way it’s acting in a conduct of war,” Biden added.
Earlier, Fox News hosts expressed concern over Biden’s decision to commute the sentence of a controversial judge involved in the notorious “kids for cash” scandal, calling it “beyond disgusting.”
Michael T. Conahan, a former judge from Luzerne County, Pa., was among the 1,500 individuals who had their sentences commuted by Biden this week. Additionally, the president granted 39 pardons to non-violent offenders.
Conahan, however, has garnered the most attention due to his central role in the scheme, in which he received kickbacks from private prisons in exchange for sentencing juveniles to detention.