When a passerby came across a homeless man on the street, he was so shocked by the state of him and felt compelled to take a picture. He posted it online but never expeceted the response he was about to get.
There was something about the homeless man who was sitting outside a flea market in Indianapolis, which caught his attention.
“I had to give this poor guy some money. I NEVER give panhandlers money… this guy’s stomach was hitting his back and ribs popping out.”, he wrote online.
A sight he couldn’t ignore
Although we’re advised not to give money directly to people on the street but instead to homeless charities, the kind-hearted passerby could not help himself.
The man then shared an image of the homeless man on social media to encourage more people to go to the place where he sat and make a contribution, as several did.
Facebook: TeamJohnnyRhodes
The image was shared by many people who were so concerned about this homeless man.
Brother: “I’m so sick to my stomach right now”
The post reached a man called Danny. He had not seen his brother Johnny for several years, and immediately recognized his missing sibling. He couldn’t believe the state his brother was in.
“I’m so sick to my stomach right now. I can’t function to know someone is living this way and looks this bad.” Danny told TV station RTV6.
Rescued from the street
Help from social media made him able to locate his brother Johnny who was reunited with his loved ones. He initially refused help but according to helper Amy Renae Smith, he eventually realized what was best for him.
“He had two meals, a hit [sic] shower, a pair of clean clothes, a room to himself with quiet, a king size bed, tv w/ cable, fridge, a microwave, Pepsi, & leftovers. He is safe, and resting,” wrote Amy, according to RTV6.
If it hadn’t been for his picture being shared on social media, maybe Danny might not have found his brother and helped him.
Please share to spread the message that people should try and help homeless people — it could end up saving a life.