Eva Longoria, renowned for her role in Desperate Housewives, has revealed her decision to spend most of her time outside the United States. In a candid interview with Marie Claire, Longoria shared that she now splits her time between Spain and Mexico when she isn’t working in Hollywood. While her life abroad isn’t a new chapter, her reasons for prioritizing time away from the U.S. have evolved.
Describing the current state of the country as “a scary place,” Longoria reflected on the shifts she’s observed over recent years. She mentioned how the political climate, particularly after Donald Trump’s presidency, influenced her perspective. “If he keeps his promises, it’s going to be a scary place,” she said, noting how these concerns prompted her to rethink her future.Longoria is no stranger to activism. She spent much of the 2020 election cycle campaigning for now-Vice President Kamala Harris and even joined forces with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Her efforts focused on mobilizing women and Latino communities to make their voices heard. Despite her physical distance from the U.S., Longoria says, “I would like to think our fight continues.”
I think we could probably do without her working here too if she just wants to come in and take our money and go someplace else to live. If she’s afraid of our government, we have been invaded from every country in the world right now since Biden opened up the borders, it would’ve been worse ifHarris would’ve gotten in as president it would’ve been a wide open thing to all these countries again without going through the citizenship thing as far as I’m concerned, I would not go to a movie that somebody like this was playing. I would not watch it on television.